Why You Should Volunteer...
Whether you are brand new or a seasoned member, we’re looking for volunteers to serve in a variety of short and long term positions.
When you share your time and talent as a volunteer, you get to immerse yourself in new opportunities, build relationships with other association professionals, and help advance the mission of the association.
If you have volunteered with AFWA in the past, you can attest that it’s a great way to build your leadership skills, get involved with the association community and connect with other professionals. If you haven’t, the time is now!
AFWA Opportunities
(In Alphabetical Order)
AFWA Board of Directors
The management of the affairs of the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors who shall be responsible for carrying out the duties prescribed in the Bylaws of AFWA and the adopted parliamentary authority. They are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization, setting policies, and providing guidance on the mission, direction and operations of the organization. Volunteers for the Board of Directors will be required to go through the nominating process.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 18 which includes 10 directors, the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 3 Vice Presidents.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month, plus additional committee participation.
Awards Committee
This Awards Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a successful awards recognition program. They are responsible for selecting and honoring annual recipients of the Women Who Count and Chapter Achievement Awards. They establish criteria for the awards and evaluate nominees based on the criteria.
Number of Members Needed: 8-10
Time Commitment: 1-3 meetings during the month of July
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws committee is responsible for reviewing the current bylaws and identifying any areas that may require revision or updating. Member should have a strong understanding of non-profit organizational goals, objectives, and operations.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 5
Time Commitment: Up to 5 hours per year
Conference Career Day Committee
Looking for someone who contributes their time and effort to help organize and facilitate career-related events within the annual conference. You may assist with planning logistics, coordinating speaker, and/or provide support during the event. This role is crucial in creating a valuable experience for attendees and connecting them networking, education, and possibly career opportunities.
Number of Member Needed: Up to 10
Time Commitment: Up to 4 hours a month
Conference Committee
The Annual Conference Committee shall oversee the planning of the annual conference along with the Headquarters staff. The committee will participate in coordinating the programming, securing sponsorships and exhibitors, marketing, budgets, special events, contract planning and long-term planning for the annual conference.
Number of Members Needed: 15-20
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Conference Programming Committee
The Programming Committee will work within the parameters of the set number of CPE being offered and recommended fields of study to select speakers for the annual Women Who Count Conference. The committee will ensure that the schedule includes beginning, intermediate and advanced sessions as well as an adequate number of technical sessions and will vet all potential speakers and notify selected speakers of the decision.
Number of Members Needed: 10-15
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Credentials Committee
The purpose of the Credentials Committee is to provide an objective and consistent process for accounting for the member voting on national issues at the Annual Business Meeting. Members of this committee are required to attend the Annual Business Meeting
- Timekeepers (2)
- Tellers (3)
- Minute Reviewers (3) – Includes the Secretary
- Rules Committee (3) – Chaired by the Secretary
- Resolutions Committee
Number of Members Needed: 10 plus the National Secretary
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours at the annual meeting and 1 meeting prior to the annual meeting.
Education Committee
This committee is tasked with overseeing and guiding educational programs and initiatives within the organization. The goal of the committee is to ensure that high-quality educational programs are in place and the members are receiving the support and resources they need to succeed both personally and professionally.
Number of Members Needed: 10-15
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month, plus occasional tasks as needed
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall review and recommend approval of the annual operating budget and ensure that financial resources are available to accomplish the strategic goals. The committee will maintain, review, and recommend appropriate changes to the investment policy and any financial related policies or the organization.
Number of Members Needed: 5
Time Commitment: 1 Hour per month
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies for the organization. This will include investigating the use of a marketing firm to assist with implementation of a successful marketing strategy. The strategy will help to promote the organization’s brand, products and services to its target audience, increase the organization’s visibility and profitability and ensure the organization stays competitive in the market.
Number of Members Needed: 10-15
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month, plus occasional tasks as needed
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee (Committee) coordinates and monitors general membership recruitment and retention activities, working with Headquarters staff to implement programs determined by the committee through the strategic plan of the organization and its regular assigned function described below.
Number of Members Needed: 10-15
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month, plus occasional tasks as needed
Money Committee
The Money Committee (Committee) supports AFWA’s current and future role in the Accounting & Finance industry. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure AFWA can continue financially into the future while offering an organization that has significant benefit to its members and our industry. The Committee coordinates with Headquarters staff to implement programs determined by the committee through the strategic plan of the organization and its regular assigned function described below.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 15
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month, plus occasional tasks as needed
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall interview and present the board members for the slate of the AFWA National Board to the membership to be elected. Candidates for the nominating committee shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting.
Number of Members Needed: 3 plus 2 alternates.
Time Commitment: Up to 10 hours between September and December 31
Signature Event Committee
The Signature Event Committee will plan and execute the annual event that recognizes and promotes our Women Who Count Award recipients and Chapter Achievement recipients. This event serves as a major fundraiser for AFWA and the Foundation of AFWA.
- Event
- Fundraising
- Marketing
Number of Members Needed: 5-10
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month with some additional tasks
Virtual Chapter Leadership Team
Expand your leadership skills by serving on the Virtual Chapter Leadership Team. This group is responsible for planning and implementing activities of the Virtual Chapter to ensure its overall success. The Leadership Team plays a crucial role in engaging our virtual members to ensure retention of membership, especially those members that do not have a Local Chapter they can join.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 8
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Young Professional/Early Career Committee
Join this exciting group designed to bring young professionals and early career members together to network, develop their skills, navigate the challenges of building a successful career. This group is also a training ground for future leaders of AFWA.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 25
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Foundation of AFWA Opportunities
(In Alphabetical Order)
Beta Alpha Psi Committee
Volunteers will act as a liaison between AFWA and our partner Beta Alpha Psi. They may be asked to attend and participate in the Regional and/or annual meetings of Beta Alpha Psi. Representatives may also function as judges for the annual Best Practices competition.
Number of Members Needed: 3
Time Commitment: 1 -2 hours each quarter and attendance at in-person meetings
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws committee is responsible for reviewing the current Foundation bylaws and identifying any areas that may require revision or updating. Member should have a strong understanding of non-profit charitable organizations, objectives, and operations.
Number of Members Needed: At least 3 including the Chair-Elect, Chair and Past Chair
Time Commitment: Up to 5 hours per year
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for developing and implementing the Foundations communication strategies. The committee’s goal is to effectively communicate the organizations mission, objectives and activities to its target audience and stakeholders. The committee is responsible for developing and executing the communication plan and initiatives that align with the strategic plan. Duties will include overseeing the Foundation area of the website, social media, email marketing and other digital communication channels.
Number of Members Needed: 5-8
Time Commitment: Up to 1 hour per month
Conference Steering Committee
Members of this group will serve on the National Conference Committee. The purpose of this group is to aid in the integration of Foundation activities with the National Conference.
Number of Members Needed: 3-5
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month
Donor Development and Relations Committee
The Donor Development and Relations Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining positive relationships with donors and supporters of the Foundation. The committee’s primary role is to increase the number of large donors, increase giving levels and attract new donors.
Number of Members Needed: 5-7
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month
Event FUNdraising Committee
The Event Fundraising Committee shall plan and implement annual fundraising activities for the Foundation. The primary goal of the committee is to increase the number of donations to the Foundation through various fundraising events and activities.
Number of Members Needed: 5-15 members
Time Commitment: At least one meeting per month and involvement and attendance at fundraising events.
Finance Committee
The Audit/Finance committee shall be responsible for reviewing the monthly unaudited financial statements and presenting the proposed operating budget for review to the Board of Directors. The committee shall conduct an annual review of the Investment policy with the investment advisor and provide suggested revisions to the Board of Directors.
Number of Members Needed: At least 4 including the Treasurer, Chair, Chair Elect, and Immediate Past Chair
Time Commitment: Approximately 1 hour per month
Foundation Board of Directors
The Foundation Board of Directors is a group of individuals responsible for the governance and oversight of the Foundation of AFWA. They are responsible for making strategic decisions, setting policies and providing guidance on the mission, direction and operations of the foundation. Volunteers will be required to go through the nominating process.
Number of members Needed: 5 Officers and up to 9 voting Directors
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month plus other as assistance and attendance at various committee meetings.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall nominate the slate of officers and directors of the Foundation of AFWA for the next fiscal year. It shall present their nominations and report to the Foundation Board of Directors. Duties include interviewing each candidate and recruiting candidates to fill the proposed slate.
Number of Members Needed: 3 members including one member appointed by the AFWA President, the Immediate Past Chair and one other appointed by the Chair.
Time Commitment: Up to 10 hours between October and February 1 each year.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee shall promote the scholarship program of the Foundation. The Committee will review applications and determine awards to be presented.
Number of Members Needed: Up to 20
Time Commitment: Up to 10 hours between March 1 and May 31. Some monthly meetings may also be required.
Short Term Commitments
Not sure which committee you want to serve on but willing help on special projects. Throughout the year, AFWA has special interest projects that you can participate in. This is a great way to find volunteer opportunities that fit your interests and the time you have available.