Work with our Affiliates First! Need outside services? Our affiliate members can help. Below is our Featured Resource Directory. Our affiliate members are suppliers who provide products and services to the accounting and finance profession and offer enhanced benefits to our members. If you are not on our referral list and you would like to be, please click here to join our Affiliate Member Program!
Category/Company Type | Company | First | Last | Phone | |
Accountants & Tax | Stephano Slack, LLC | Gwen | Ruff | gruff@stephanoslack.com | 610.710.4835 |
Assurance, Accounting, Tax, & Advisory Services | BDO USA | Rebecca | Boland | rboland@bdo.com | 703.867.3308 |
Audit, Tax and Advisory | Mazars USA | Tia | France | tia.marie6@yahoo.com | 708.262.7932 |
Education | Becker | Jill | Kirkpatrick | jkirkpatrick@becker.com | 405.620.1213 |
Education | University of Central Florida | Keri | Kozlowski | keri.kozlowski@ucf.edu | 407.374.2586 |
Financial Advisor | Premier Financial Partners | Andrea | Wilt | awilt@premierfn.com | 816.686.1579 |
Financial Services | BOK Financial | Veronica | Regan | vregan@bokf.com | 303.882.8463 |
HR/Medical Solutions | C & A Industries, LLC | Chelsea | Liska | cjliska@gmail.com | 402.992.2325 |
HR/Recruiter | Charter Communications | Jacquelyn | Riggins | jacquelyn.riggins@charter.com | 704.731.1834 |
HR/Temp Svcs | Century Group | Carolyn | Sweeney | csweeney@century-group.com | 415.489.7406 |
HR/Temp Svcs | HR One | Sara | Huck | shuck@peopletopayroll.com | 315.572.6262 |
HR/Temp Svcs | Robert Half International | Taylor | Rider | taylor.rider@roberthalf.com | 269.716.0285 |
HR/Temp Svcs | Robert Half International, Inc. | Terra | Williams – Rech | terra.williams@roberthalf.com | 515.244.4414 |
HR/Temp Svcs | Titan Professional Resources | Ashley | Mantooth | ashley.mantooth@titanprojobs.com | 580.370.6692 |
HR/Temp Svcs | Unum | Holly | Haynes | hhaynes@unum.com | |
HR/Temp Svcs | Unum | Laura | Nemser | lnemser@unum.com | |
HR/Temp Svcs | Unum | Cindy | Pagel | cpagel@unum.com | |
HR/Total Stafing Solutions | Aureus Group | Kari | Kindler | kkindler@aureusgroup.com | 402.704.1277 |
Insurance | Brown & Brown | Nikki | Petrazzuolo Whitaker | nikki.petrazzuolowhitaker@bbrown.com | 571.358.0608 |
Law Practice | Littleton Legal PLLC | Brittany | Littleton | brittany@littletonlegal.com | 918.608.1836 |
Law Practice | McCandlish Lillard, PC | Melinda | Merk | mmerk@mccandlaw.com | 703.934.1126 |
Law Practice | Texas RioGrane Legal | Leah | Rodriguez | edward237@tx.rr.com | 972.768.8434 |
Life Insurance | New York Life Insurance | Sundy | Corbin | scorbin@ft.newyorklife.com | 405.821.9774 |
Office Spaces | Encore Offices | Christine | Worden | sales@encoreoffices.com | 949.425.9000 |
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors | PHCC National Association | Katharine | Dill | dill@naphcc.org | 571.271.9445 |
Power & Commercial HVAC Partner | Access Michigan LLC | Kimberly | Lindstrom | klindstrom@access-mi.com | 248.255.3852 |
Professional Staffing in OKC area | Fuse3 Solutions | Audrey | Link | alink@fuse3solutions.com | 918.949.5465 |
Talent & Specialized Solutions | System One | Emily | Headrick | emily.headrick@systemone.com | 918.232.0935 |
Wealth Management | Venturi Private Wealth | Stephanie | Allen | stephanie@venturiwealth.com | 405.254.3754 |
To view complete details of this list, CLICK HERE!