Starting a mentoring program can bring several benefits to both individuals and organizations. Mentoring can help with the following: knowledge transfer, skills development, career advancement, increased engagement, succession planning, leadership development, diversity and inclusion and much more!

AFWA Mission:

The mission of the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance is to enable women in all accounting and finance fields to achieve their full personal, professional, and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.

AFWA is here to help you! Join AFWA as a member today!

Why Start a Mentoring Program?

  • Mentors are a powerful force for developing and retaining members within AFWA, with helping new members feel welcome, building relationships, act as a sounding board and sharing expertise knowledge to help a person grow personally and achieve milestones in their careers.​
  • Establishing a mentoring program can be relatively easy and worth the time spent when you see milestones reached by your mentee.
  • Types of mentoring include:​
  • Informal mentoring program​
  • Formal mentoring program​
  • One-on-One mentoring​
  • Group mentoring​
  • This guide focuses on one-on-one meetings and provides tips on how to get the most from your arrangement.
  • The best mentoring relationships are those that develop naturally and acquire their own energy. A good mentor will be responsible for providing support and counsel regarding both professional and personal issues. The mentor also gives open and honest feedback on any issue and is a trusted sounding
  • How you choose to play the role of mentor will be determined by your own personal style and the dynamics of the relationship.
  • Think of the goals you want to achieve in your role as a mentor: grow and expand leadership skills, enhances skills in coaching, listening, renews enthusiasm for the role of expert, share your knowledge, establish a reputation as a mentor or advisor, support younger members in their career goals.