Experience the AFWA Community at Women Who Count 2018

2018-08-08T20:33:56+00:00August 8th, 2018|President's Blog|

By AFWA National President, Karyn Hartke, CPA Community. According to the dictionary, community is “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals,” and having “joint ownership and goals.” I remember that feeling of community when I attended my first Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance National Conference. Our [...]

Does Networking Really Matter? 5 Reasons Why It Does

2018-07-24T14:05:15+00:00July 23rd, 2018|Young Professionals|

Prepared by the AFWA Young Professional LEAP Advisory Council Does networking really matter? What are the benefits anyway? Any why take time out of my busy day to network when I'm trying to establish my career here within my company? Members of AFWA's Young Professional LEAP Advisory Counsel believe networking does matter and they've put [...]

Back to Basics: Year in Review

2018-06-26T13:53:00+00:00June 14th, 2018|President's Blog|

Holy cow!  Where did the year go?  It feels like merely weeks ago that I stood in Chattanooga and promised to get back to basics – Connect, Advance, & Lead!  And let me tell you, your National Board of Directors has been doing just that!

This Is A Custom Widget

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This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.
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