SPEAKER: Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk
SESSION TITLE: Accounting MOVE Project Results: Career Sustainability – The New Essential Power Skill
The traditional pace of career advancement at accounting & advisory firms is proving unsustainable. Post-COVID expectations are coinciding with generational approaches to work-life balance to reset how – and how much – professionals take on at each career stage. If “yes” was the default response in the past to new development opportunities and career responsibilities, the new default is not “no,” but rather, “for how long?” We will discuss the three pillars of career sustainability, power, purpose and potential, as well as how some firms are creating customized partnerships to retain next generation leaders.
- Understand the power shift that has occurred within accounting firms and how leaders and the reasons why
- Discuss how this is playing out in successful firms and understand how to implement policies that will help firms recruit, retain and promote women
- Talk about the rising popularity of scaled or customized partnership models and look at their deliberate design, differentiate them from remote partnership and examine models that work sustainably.
Field of Study: Business Management & Organization / Personnel & HR
Program Level: Update / 1 CPE credit / Non-Technical
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Speaker email: bonnie@accountingmoveproject.com
Speaker BIO:
Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk (like “rustic” without the “t”) is a marketing consultant with bbr companies where she provides strategic guidance, project management and serves as an outsourced marketing director for firms that don’t need that resource full-time. She is also co-owner of Rally Rounds mastermind groups which provides support, ideas, and accountability for accounting growth professionals. Finally, she is a Cornell-certified DEI consultant, and owner of the Accounting MOVE Project, the only annual benchmarking research and advocacy report that equips accounting firms to detect, develop and drive competitive advantages from diversity initiatives and trends. |
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bonniebuolruszczyk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084322337410
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MOVEaccounting
Website: https://accountingmoveproject.com