SPEAKER: Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk, President

SESSION TITLE: Accounting MOVE Project Results & How Private Equity is Impacting Career Paths for Women in Accounting


The traditional accounting firm structure where employees slowly move through the ranks into the role of partner, gaining equity and eventually cashing out at retirement has been turned on its head with the entry of private equity. How is this very different approach to firm financial management impacting the profession? How are firms that want to remain independent responding in this increasingly competitive environment? What is going to happen when private equity companies start flipping their investments and will firm ownership models evolve more quickly to open the door for non-CPAs? Does it make it easier for more women and people of color to advance into leadership or will current progress be stymied with greater emphasis on profit than relationships? We will report on our findings and share what we learned.

• Share what we learned during our research on private equity’s impact on career progression for women in accounting

• Identify ways to continue to advocate for women in firms and create cultures where women want to work and advance.

• Discuss our MOVE findings (Money, Opportunity, Vital Supports & Entrepreneurship) for women in accounting and compare to previous years to understand where we’ve moved forward.

• Share specific firm best practices and examples for others to consider and adopt in their own firms.

Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources

Program Level: Overview / 1 CPE credit / Non-Technical

Prerequisites: None

Advance Preparation: None

Speaker BIO:

Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk (like “rustic” without the “t”) is a marketing consultant with bbr companies where she provides strategic guidance, project management and serves as an outsourced marketing director for firms that don’t need that resource full-time. She is also co-owner of Rally Rounds mastermind groups which provides support, ideas, and accountability for accounting growth professionals. Finally, she is a Cornell-certified DEI consultant, and owner of the Accounting MOVE Project, the only annual benchmarking research and advocacy report that equips accounting firms to detect, develop and drive competitive advantages from diversity initiatives and trends.

Email: bonnie@accountingmoveproject.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bonniebuolruszczyk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084322337410

Website: https://accountingmoveproject.com