SPEAKER: Sheree Paolello, WLWT Emmy Award Winning News Anchor
SESSION TITLE: Hard Work Wins Every Time
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Here her story and personal journey that helps prove ‘Hard Work Wins Every Time’.
Field of Study: Personal Development
Program Level: Overview / 1 CPE credit / Non-Technical
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Speaker BIO:
Our host today is a familiar face. Sheree Paolello has been bringing you the news on WLWT Channel 5 for more than 20-years. She’s an Emmy Award winning Anchor and has received the highest honor in journalism with the Edward R. Murrow award.
Sheree grew up in Cincinnati. When she’s not on the air or giving back to the community and organizations like The Accounting and Finance Women’s Alliance, Sheree’s the mom and Bonus mom of five kids.
WLWT News 5 Anchor, Sheree Paolello.
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